Monday, November 26, 2007

Grand Finale

I've finished! I have enjoyed this so much. For someone who really didn't rate themselves with these technologies, I have made quantifiable progress. I particularly enjoyed the tasks around finding images and entertainment - which I guess might tell you something about me!
My main impressions are that there are so many free things available to the world on the Internet. Time was you had to purchase all these things from the computer shop. No longer! Just as importantly, you do get a real sense of mastery as you are going along with this and each thing you tick off is an achievment.

My kids have been quite impressed with me doing this and have made admiring noises when I have talked about some technology they hadn't heard of. It feels good to know something they don't!
Anyway thanks for the opportunity to do this. Eleven thumbs up from me!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oooooh and aaahhhh and lip smacking well done. You kids will be looking at you with a new respect. Respect for the footiefan.
But seriously well done on completing the programme we've enjoyed reading your progress