Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Have read 3 of the 5 suggested contributions in the eOCLC Next Space Newsletter and found them interesting. I am intrigued by the concept of " collective intelligence " which one suggests we have as a result of the internet. I can only partly agree with this rather grand anthropolical type descriptor. It may be collectively used but certainly the internet does little to advance the intelligence of anyone. In my opinion, the access we all have to the information spinning about the world, is all that we collectively share. Understanding anything that we read there is a completely different ball game.

Another points to the seamless intersection of the various capacities of the internet to gather, spread and store information without the help of the physical realities of the bricks and mortar of a library. This is a tired old chestnut ! The point of libraries has always been more than the provision of a storehouse of information. Libraries have been safe places, seperate places and meeting places for people since the dawn of time. Of course Johnny aged 18 can use the internet in far more sophisticated ways than anyone of an older age. But Johnny is usually missing the whole muscle of other sorts of learning action. Johnny can usually not read much, source much premium type information that has been peer assessed by the academic community who teach it to a specialised level. Johnny cannot be bothered ! So librarians who can, have even more work than in the past to do.

Accessing a great deal of rubbish in cyberspace is not an advantage to anyone. Spending 16 hours a day playing around with the computer leads to a superficial grasp only of anything interesting. Life an all its complex demands and expectations still requires people to interact with each other, learn from the mistaken information they have picked up and move on and away from computer nerdhood and into life.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Technorati Time

Have taken the technorati tour and have learnt a bit about this search tool. I can see that if you are living and breathing blogs and blogging this would be a godsend! Using it and the keyword searches etc you can locate and tag the sorts of blogs that you want to read. The thing is, that you would have to be really interested in this style of communication and I am not really. The blogging concept is great for keeping a personal log of what you are doing and thinking about but I can't say that I am specially interested in reading anyone else's. And quite frankly, I don't need to know what anyone else thinks about global warming! I feel a bit sorry for people who are this cut off from actual people for conversation and lively debate that they have to resort to blogging about worls events.

But good to know it exists.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

October 26 Everything is Del.icio.us now!

Have gone into the del.icio.us site and installed the system into my tool bar. Am getting up to scratch with the tagging and bookmarking concept. The penny is yet to drop here, as it seems a bit over my head. Need to practise both of the above. Maybe right now! So .....I have gone into a few preschool colouring-in sites and tagged them and made them into a bundle. Now have to see what happens when I need to find them. So far so good!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

October 25 Rollyo - No-EEE-O !!

I've spent some time on the Rollyo tool which I can't say impresses me. It seems pretty pointless for those of us who have a favourites button on our internet access. Why would anyone bother with this? I'm glad I've seen that such a thing exists but I don't think I would ever bother with this.This connection to the internet is very slow and I think I would find this frustrating. Perhaps a journalist or someone could find it just the thing?

Friday, October 19, 2007

October 20 LibraryThing

Have gone into LibraryThing and have had fun setting up a catalogue of the books I am either reading or wanting to read. This has to be one of the easiest systems to use! The step by step guide shows you exactly how to add your favourites. It is great to see your own preferences lined up with covers and somehow the whole look of the thing seems to give a certain style to your catalogue. I noticed that it is better to opt for the Library of Congress catalogue than just Amazon and got more hits that way.

Also, as someone who runs a couple of bookclubs, it's another way to read reviews of the books that I might be thinking about talking about using. Comments on a single item range greatly. For instance, the book Water For Elephants seemed to be widely appreciated but there was a comment about its sexual content, so I can see that for some this would not appeal. Just another useful tool.

I really like this LibraryThing and will definitely go back to this one!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Thanks for reminding me to blog about my favourite technology. This year alone, sees me taking a few leaps forward with tsunami that is technological progress! I talk to my brother in Manila once a month on Skype which he has installed at his work place there. Although the reception is quite uneven at times, it costs him nearly nothing to talk to all his relatives her in NZ. He makes a point of ringing our Dad every weekend to see how his week has gone and can talk for as long as Dad wants without feeling he is losing a small fortune to Telecom. I have also bough a flat screen TV at home and am so happy with it! Coupled with surround sound music DVDs and general TV seem so much more real and entertaining. I am also looking very forward to getting an MP3 player at the end of this which I can listen to while I am on my bike at home. My husband is also looking foward to me getting this and has great plans for what he will use it for! Typical!!

Monday, October 15, 2007

October 16

Read your comments and realised that I hadn't included the news that I now have a gmail account and subscribe to BBC RSS feed. It is a good way for busy people like me to be given the news - although if the world only read the headlines (like me) you wouldn't have a very in depth knowledge of the world. But for me it's great and I am able to at least nod when people talk about what's going on! Also the concept of being notified about certain sorts of news events is superb!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I am having a look at Image Generators and it looks great. Who creates all this stuff? I am making an image of Dumbledore and going to put it on this blog. I am hoping to do something every day to bring this part of the ACL earning task to life because it looks really good!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Week Four

I have connected with Bloglines and shown which ones I would like to be connected with. This has been validated but I now see that it is essential to have a g-mail account. It all takes time and I am lacking that at the moment! Still....it looks good and I am definitely be interested in this one. I can see that if you subscribe to news site that you get up to the minute news. Fantastic!! I am going to find time to open a g-mail account.